Thoughts Visited...

Fun to Fantasy,a MANIAC of thoughts...its my JOURNEY!!!

The rise and rise of Indian investment in Britain

As India's Tata group appears poised to swoop on British icons Jaguar and Land Rover, 2007 will be remembered as not only one marking 60 years of India's independence from Britain but also as a year that saw the rise and rise of Indian investment in Britain.
In fact, from the rather patronising position of being a 'jewel in the crown' during the heydays of the British Empire, India has emerged as one of Britain's foremost partners in a relationship spanning 60 years, which can best be described as 'onwards and upwards'.
In recent decades, the contours of the India-Britain encounter were uneven. Earlier, the story had more to do with Indians arriving in Britain to take up jobs that locals did not want to do. But in the last few years, India's image first changed from a taker of British jobs due to outsourcing to a generator of jobs in Britain.

Throughout 2007, Indian enterprise has stalked British businesses and has taken over several companies: TATA taking over steel giant Corus, Vijay Mallya's United Breweries taking over scotch major Whyte & Mackay, and a host of small and big companies being taken over by Indian companies seeking to spread their reach globally.
It was Mahatma Gandhi who set the tone for the relationship between India and Britain in Oxford in 1931. He was asked at a meeting of members of the Raleigh Club and the Indian Majlis: "How far would you cut India off from the Empire?"

Gandhi replied: "From the Empire, completely; from the British nation, not at all, if I want India to gain and not to grieve. The British Empire is an Empire only because of India. The Emperorship must go and I should love to be an equal partner with Britain, sharing her joys and sorrows. But it must be a partnership on equal terms."

As India celebrated 60 years of its independence Aug 15, the umbilical connections with Britain rooted in the colonial experience made for a special relationship that withstood the test of time since 1947 when the Union Jack gave way to the Tricolour.
India's independence was preceded by centuries of British rule, during which ideas of modernity were transplanted on to a traditional civilisation. The ideas in turn galvanised local resistance to foreign rule and, after years of tumultuous events, culminated in the idea of India and eventually in self-rule and freedom.
If the story of British rule was replete with bad news, it was also marked by a sense of fair play, and the introduction of the English language, cricket and institutions that have benefited independent India in many ways.

As Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said while accepting an honorary degree from Oxford University in July 2005: "Today, with the balance and perspective offered by the passage of time and the benefit of hindsight, it is possible for an Indian Prime Minister to assert that India's experience with Britain had its beneficial consequences too."

Much of Indian public life has been structured around British laws, ideas and values. This includes the field of education, industry, health and the media. British newspapers such as The Times, London, were seen as benchmarks to which Indian journalists and newspapers aspired to. The state-owned All India Radio was patterned along the lines of the BBC.
Britain contributed at various levels as India faced several challenges after independence. But by the late 1980s, India and Britain began regarding each other as genuine partners, free from the hangover of the colonial experience.
As Manmohan Singh said: "Today, there is no doubt in my mind that Britain and India are indeed partners and have much in common in their approach to a wide range of global issues. As we look back and also look ahead, it is clear that the Indo-British relationship is one of 'give and take'."

In 2007, relations between India and Britain have been universally described as the 'best ever'. The relationship is increasingly marked by the resonating tenor of currency - as Indian companies take over British businesses and create jobs in Britain, and British companies outsource low and high-end work to India to exploit Indians' strengths in intellectual property and low-cost economy.
India has now emerged as a top investor in Britain. Regional development agencies are vying with one another to court Indian business and Bollywood producers to come and invest or shoot in their regions. India's perception as the taker of British jobs through offshoring has changed to creator of jobs in Britain.

Former prime minister Tony Blair was the first G-8 leader to moot the idea of India joining G-8 discussions. At his invitation, Manmohan Singh visited Britain in July 2005 for the "G-8 Plus 5" Gleneagles Summit (India, China, South Africa, Brazil and Mexico). India has since been a key participant in the deliberations.

Britain strongly supports India's candidature for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. As the March 2006 White Paper outlining the forward plan for British diplomacy put it: "India is an important partner on global economic and political issues including energy and climate change, serious regional crises, and global non-proliferation.As the world's largest democracy, India will have a growing influence in international affairs and on the global economy. It will have particular strengths in the service and knowledge sectors, while broadening the base of its growth. We are strong advocates of India gaining a permanent seat on the UN Security Council." Relations between India and Britain is also marked by the presence of over one million people of Indian origin in Britain, where their growing economic prosperity has come to be encompassed in the term, 'the strength of the brown pound'.

India "is developing" with projects rather than products !!??

My retrospection on the Economic status of our country made me to find the very reason of "why India is still a developing country?" Many of us know the reasons (over-population, illiteracy etc).But, I want to explain how the new ones are taking shape(especially with the "EDUCATED" !!).
"India is developing". These are the common phrases we have been heard of. Part of it has been proved to be true. Still, it has to do a lot more to prove itself even in that 'part'. Unfortunately, India is a Nation where the great visionaries and leaders had struggled in the Swadesi movement to boycott the foreign goods and called all of us for the usage of indigenous products. Unfortunate!? Does it sound absurd? But, at the end of this, I hope you will understand why I said so.
If you ask anyone to think about how India is evolved, on what principles it has got this position today, you will be ended up with most of them saying "past is past". This really surprises us. Because, atleast we think we are not part of those who say like that. Then , why do questions on 'brain drain,fall of GDP, hike in the prices of some basic resources', be left unanswered?
Now, let us move on to the technical arena where software companies are multiplying day by day. Most of us know the companies like Infosys, Tcs , Wipro, Satyam, Polaris and so forth. But, only a few of us are familiar with the product(s) each is producing like Finacle by Infosys, Flexicube from Iflex, Krawler[x] from Krawler Networks, Adrenalin HR systems from Polaris and INS Zoom Enterprise software for global immigration from INS Zoom as products India could be proud of. All of these have got International recognition. For example, Finacle made by Infosys has got a wide spectrum of users from the Asian, European and some of the African countries. Thus, for each product there is a considerable sphere of influence across the World. On the other hand the companies are even successful with projects that have been outsourced to them. But, products earn much compared to projects (after all, projects are part of the development of a product!).This is the key point where we are taken aback. Though there are a lot of companies in India, it is flooded with PROJECTS rather than PRODUCTS (in software industry).
We get awestruck if we come to know that majority of the coders who made software like Windows Vista are Indians. This is the true picture that tracks the brain drain that the country is suffering with.
Still, we have the potent to create opportunities by thinking on what to make (product) rather than which to take part (project) that makes India from "developing" to "developed". Better late than never! Let us do what India needs from us. Let us make an effort to use our intellect for the development of our country rather than investing for the others.

Satisfaction over-rules Success !!

"What if the costs of hard work out-weigh its benefits?" We may get disappointed, sometimes even depressed. Also, we may rate ourselves as the unsuccessful ones that finally leads us to conclude that "the life is not well-lived". Isn't it so? But, why can't we think the other side of it? If there arises a situation as said above, then I would say the person is more successful. Because, I look at the satisfaction that I got in keeping my "efforts" rather than getting disappointed looking at the results.
One should remind that, the only thing which we can do is "effort". So, when one is successful in putting his efforts, where is the point to question its failure?? Infact, the wise would never seek fame or Worldly success, for them these are the shallow things that crumble to dust in time. This seems to be pragmatic. But isn't there a case that this pragmatic realism be the parent to the excellence? Persons who stand before the mirror daily, saying "You are the best. You are doing really well", look comical. But, it can yield results for it is this relentless drive that keeps them on the track to achieve their goals. Another truism that I have come to know is that success is not the same as reaching the top of our profession.
Let us consider the two instances :
ViswanathanAnand, PeteSampras,TigerWoods etc., are considered to be successful because they have won more tournaments than any other.
But, consider a painter, an artist, a book-writer or a fashion designer, here the objective judgement results in a different way. Luck and fashion play a major role. An artist who found to be the best to one may not be in the others view. This is the reason why a possible genius would sometimes die unrecognized. Hence, we need a more subjective measure to fulfill our potentials.
Now, let me put the question… "Can you term a man who have won the World of high finance/esteem but lose his family and friends as Successful? Is he satisfied ?" Perhaps, not! We can observe a bit of dissatisfaction in him despite a big S (success) behind him. Thus, success can only add to our Satisfaction. But, it isn't everything. It is the Satisfaction that ultimately gives us the happiness and is the most rewarding kind of all !!!

Must Reads - "As A Man Thinks"

Here is another masterpiece I wanna put...composed by James Allen
You will be what you will to be;
Let failure find its false content
In that poor word , ”environment,”
But spirit scorns it , and is free.

It masters time , it conquers space;
It cows that boastful trickster , chance,
And bids the tyrant Circumstance
Uncrown , and fill servant’s place.

The human will , that force unseen,
The offspring of a deathless Soul,
Can how a way to any goal,
Though walls of granite intervene.

Be not impatient in delay,
But wait as one who understands;
When spirit rises and commands,
The gods are ready to obey.

Must Reads - "IF"

If you can dream-and not make dreams your master;
If you can think- and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you ‘ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them:” Hold on”;

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings- nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all man count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds worth of distance run-
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And-which is more-you’ll be a Man my son!

Hats-off to RUDYARD KIPLING excellent poem ever I read...No words to express my appreciation.....!!

A Beauty Tip !!

Are you tired of using various beauty tips? All those tips did not work for you? Then this is the one which really works to all….Why don't you try!?
Whenever I speak harshly or use some unparliamentary words, I immediately correct myself remembering my father's words (a Sanskrit anecdote) which he used to tell me:
"Mukhambuna sumrutha vaani"
which means that the thing which gives you the beauty is "your speech".
It was after realizing the essence of this, I came to know that there is a lot of difference in a person we view before he speaks out and after that!! Yes, many of us would rather concentrate on the external beauty(changing hairstyles, wardrobe, cosmetics etc) than on the internal that speaks out through our vocal cords.
"The ability to speak" is a wonderful gift given to us. It is a great oppurtnity to tell others that you are not the way what others are looking at you.You are U(unique).You can make them understand that you are a man of value. Each word we utter has a lot of power. If used properly can turn the losers to the winners, the unsuccessful to the successful, can stop wars, brings peace and can beautify our life. A word is like a weapon which if misused can lead to the serious consequences(Eg: can turn a person to a terrorist)that it can even takes our lives. It is the way how we use it makes the person different from others. Our "attitude, character, ability, confidence, goodness etc" can be tested within no time only through our words. Thus, beauty which is a highly reflecting one, can be observed as a sparkle in the eye of the listener. A mere posh appearance (or the "posh like feeling") can earn nothing, it is the polished ideas that really adds to all our quotients.
Mathematically speaking,
Beauty of a person (is proportional to) quality of his words.
So, beauty is not that which can be brought and wear like a dress but it is that which comes from within through our "words".


Well, though initiated this blog long back in November, 2006...took this much time to shape out now!!
Lets see how many will add in my ship of thoughts...:)